

Become fully authentic when it matters most


Reconnect with purpose under pressure

Emotional wisdom is trusting your compass when encountering deep waves

Conflict reveals insight that deepens even adversarial relationships

Reflex improves through intentional reflective repetition

Interested in a topic? Have feedback? Engage the commmuity to start a conversation.
Belt Claims
  • Member Count 3
  • 5
  • 2
  • 1
  • 0
  • Total Belts Granted 9
  • Explore the concepts and exercises below
  • Summarize the key points in writing at each step and circle back as you progress
  • Have dialog with peers to test and deepen understanding

white White level - Appeal

Exercise Duration


Work through Orientation with a Sensei

1.0 hrs

green Green level - Aware

red Red level - Action

Exercise Duration


The Goal Video - Boy Scout Hike

Miles Davis according to Herbie Hancock

Lessons from the Bamboo

Smarter Every Day 293 - I Was SCARED To Say This To NASA... (But I said it anyway)

A Definitive Guide to Understanding Intrinsic Motivation

4th-Person Knowing - A New, Old Way For Leadership Insight

5.0 hrs


Actualized.org - The Grand Model Of Psychological Evolution - Clare Graves & Spiral Dynamics

Atomic Habits - How to Get 1% Better Every Day - James Clear

The Zen Leader Animated - Ginny Whitelaw

The Zen Leader - Mini-FEBI Awareness Exercise

Infographic - 10 Essential Flips of Zen Leadership

  • Explore the videos and media above
  • Engage the Zen Leader Mini-FEBI awareness exercise
  • Find peers who have successfully developed one or more of the 10 Essential Flips into a reflex
  • Select 3 of the flips to work on, such as Or-To-And, Out-There-To-In-Here and From-Controlling-To-Connecting
  • Work to form a reflex for each of these by exercising the following form ...
  • Consider each flip and do a Prospective
  • Go over the concept in dialog and rehearse a plan
  • Find a Circle where you can be a guest facilitator
  • During facilitation apply the concept opportunistically and reflexively without overthinking
  • Meet with your peer(s), Senpai and Sensei as you see fit
  • Ensure that you have facilitated a minimum of 3 group dialog sessions
10.0 hrs

black Black level - Acceleration

Exercise Duration


How to Start a Movement

Stone Soup

Extreme Programming - System Metaphor

Pair Programming

The Art of Refactoring

Metaphors We Live By - George Lakoff and Mark Johnson

Never Split The Difference - Chris Voss

Infographic - The Black Swan Group's Negotiation 9™ (N9™)

  • Explore the videos and media above
  • Find peers who have successfully infused one or more of the Negotiation 9™ moves
  • Select 3 of the moves to work on, such as Dynamic Silence, Paraphrase and Rule-Of-Three
  • Consider each move through a Prospective
  • Rehearse a plan for how the moves can work independently and together
  • Apply the moves at an opportune time without overthinking
  • Reflect after each application in the form of an informal Retrospective
  • Meet with colleagues as you see fit to soundboard and receive feedback
  • Move forward once at least 3 of the Negotiation 9™ moves seem natural AND ...
  • Negotiation 9™ moves can be combined with Essential Flips WITH ...
  • Awareness of the metaphors in play for negotiating parties
  • Write a chapter for the Dojo book that reflects on your Mindset journey
20.00 hrs

Scaled Action By Example

DevOps Cloud Mindset Shift

OMG! I Am a New Product Owner. Help!!! - James Manzzullo

  • Review some of the provided examples from existing members
  • Demonstrate the Mindset journey with cascading positive impacts
  • Publish the journey as a blog post or creative alternative
20.0 hrs